Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2010 21:41:53 +0100 Subject: WebChange 32bit - Available to Download I am pleased to announce that after a long and protracted development cycle which involved finding lots of new and ingenious ways to avoid doing any work, the 32bit version of WebChange for RISC OS computers is finally available. Partly because it's been such a long time coming, partly because the old 26bit version has been a free download for many years, partly because I'm such a nice guy, partly because I want to sell an enhanced version (WebChange Pro) later down the line, but mainly in celebration of Soft Rock Software's 21st birthday (which is officially on 30th June 2010), the 32bit version is available to download free of charge from: ../products/webchange.html This software is fresh off the development press and some parts may still burn your fingers, and it is therefore still considered a beta version - but other than the last few features, most of what is there has been stable for some time; in house testing hasn't shown up any significant problems, and any that have been reported to me by people using the development versions have been dealt with. Sadly, the one important thing the software lacks is an up to date manual - and this is next on my list of things to do. In the meantime, the manual for the old 26bit version can be found on the WebChange site. The 32bit software differs from what that manual says in many ways, but hopefully the obvious differences will be self explanatory. Other information can be found by visiting the mailing list archives at: As well as by just asking on the list itself, which can be joined here: About WebChange --------------- WebChange is a support tool for website designers and maintainers, and is particularly suited to those who prefer to hand edit their HTML rather than allow other software to handle the mark up. The primary purpose is to enable the maintainer to effect repetitive changes to the local copy of the site quickly and easily, rather than make tedious changes on a page by page basis. Features include a wildcarded search and replace function, including the ability to apply a search and replace to filenames, various case conversion functions (filename case, tag case), insertion of file size and date information in the html, and much, much more. About Soft Rock Software ------------------------ Soft Rock Software can now legally drink in the Untidy States of Overpuddle. The proprietor has been able to do this much longer. What more needs to be said?